So I have taken the plunge - the plunge to learn free motion quilting (insert biting of nails). I follow the blog Old Red Barn Co. and saw that she had asked Debby from Quilty Pleasures to host a quilt along using your own sewing machine. I jumped on board! Debby is an amazing long-arm quilter who teaches classes all over. I was lucky enough to take one of her classes recently on long-arm quilting (even though I do not own one yet :) ) and learned so much!
Before I took the plunge into the quilt-a-long, I took a FMQ class at a local quilt shop, Quiltessential Co. to learn the basics. I had read a lot about FMQing with your own sewing machine but felt that the class was really helpful to hear all the tips and tricks and see them all in action.
Debby has already shown us 6 designs - here is my take:
I really have to work on getting those lines straight! I loved her tip to slow down when you come to a corner (and even though it may not look like it!), my corners did get sharper looking when I remembered to do this. My straight lines have to get straighter and my curves more curvier - who knew you could be bad at both!!! But that is what practicing is for - if you need me, I'll be over by the sewing machine..........